
Providing a homogeneous and perpetuating economic solution for developing nations and those less fortunate by providing the ability to fulfill their basic human needs of water, food, and energy so they can become self-reliant, confident in their own abilities which lead to a self sufficient and self governing society.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Step Three: Testing out the process and the technology

This isn't a new idea but the suggested paradigm of using ethanol production and its associated closed loop self-supporting system is (new). In addition, this is not being done to generate a profit for a corporation but to provide the host nation with the ability to be self-reliant and a self-sufficient society.

The first step is to evaluate the technology and see if the closed loop system (cycle) can produce enough energy to be self-sufficient and provide enough product for sale to support the humanitarian aid and necessary infrastructure build out.

Intuitively, it make senses since sugar cane has a purported 8:1 energy return compared to corn at 1.25:1. America has invested millions of dollars in the development and execution of corn ethanol plants located all over the US; it is the primary source of the 10-20% ethanol blend american travelers have come to know. It is so second nature, many Americans are unaware that that they are putting corn in their tank.

Once the engineering study and business case have been completed, it is recommended to create a small scale model of the process and test it out. This may take 9-12 months based upon the technology selected but during this time, the team will work with the government to provide the needed diplomatic and security support needed to take the process to Haiti or other impoverished Caribbean  country. In addition, we need teachers, health care professionals, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineers, and architects to evaluate the "Master Planned Community" and how it can be efficiently deployed.

Next.... what role and responsibility will the host nation's politicians play. This is not going to be business as usual but a master plan to transform a country and its people into one of pride and liberty.

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